Ryan Ries - WAKE UP TOUR

October 22, 2017 Speaker: Ryan Ries Series: Guest Speakers

Topic: Topical

After touring public high schools for the last 2 years we are convinced students today face many more distractions than ever before: drug abuse, depression, broken families, self harm and suicide are just a few of the issues they have to overcome. These problems will continue to grow if we as Christians don’t take action to reach out to them with the Gospel message of hope.

For this reason Ryan Ries has a message of urgency for the Church, as we are witnessing revival break out in the lives of thousands, “You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, WAKE UP and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.” Ryan’s vision is to exhort and encourage the Body so that we as the Church can live out the Great Commission in this culture.

In the last 3 months over 38, 000 people have heard the Wake Up message and we have over 40+ stops booked across the U.S., Mexico, & Canada!

The "Wake Up" tour was meant for the Body of Christ as an encouragement and exhortation to activate there faith to live out the Great Commission in these last days, but recently even Colleges have been blessed by this message so we wanted to expand our scope of this tour.

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